OS windows masih menjadi pilihan utama dalam kegiatan komputeran sehari-hari ?
males kejar-kejaran sama GRUB biar ngga masuk ke linux ?
gini caranya ....
Ok. First you need to open the grub configuration file for editing. To do this, open a terminal window (I have it un Applications/Accessories, but I think it was in Applications/System tools in breezy), type 'sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst', and enter your password.
All the lines with a # in beginning are comments, they are just to help you. All the important lines are those without a #. Now find a line like 'default 0'. That's where you select which OS will boot by default. You'll have to take a look at how many separate entries you have, and which one is windows. Most likely the first 2 are Ubuntu entries, and then there's memtest, and after that would be your windows. The first entry is number 0, second is 1 etc. So if windows was the 4th entry you have, change that 'default'-line to 'default 3', if it's sixth, use 'default 5'...
If you set the line to 'default saved', grub will always default to the last used entry (if the entry has a line with 'savedefault'), so after running windows your machine would boot to windows by default, and after running Ubuntu it will boot to Ubuntu by default.
After you're done with that, save the file. That's it!
kalo di KARMIC KOALA lain lagi
nama filenya untuk di edit adalah "grub.cfg"
untuk editnya silahkan ketik dari terminal
" gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub "
di pilihan defaultnya ... hitungan mulai dari "0" untuk yang paling atas.
dan waktunya juga bisa diedit untuk otomatisasinya.
setelah disimpan dan keluar dari editor, ketik lagi dari terminal
" sudo update-grub " untuk meng-compile-nya.
demikian cara saya untuk mengubah grub agar otomatis memilih windows dalam waktu 3 detik.